how to preview your apps in app inventor mit

Do you want to create your own Android apps without coding? Do you want to test your apps without a real phone? Do you want to learn about artificial intelligence and how to use it in your apps? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should try MIT AppInventor and its emulator.

MIT App Inventor is a web-based tool that allows anyone to create apps for Android devices using a graphical interface. You can drag and drop components, such as buttons, labels, images, sensors, and more, to design your app’s user interface. You can also use blocks to program the logic and behavior of your app. You don’t need any prior programming experience or knowledge to use App Inventor.

MIT App Inventor emulator is software that works just like an Android device but appears on your computer screen. You can use it to test your apps without a real phone, distribute your apps to others, and learn about artificial intelligence. The emulator is compatible with most of the features and components of App Inventor, such as camera, speech recognition, text-to-speech, location sensor, accelerometer, and more.

mit app inventor emulator

How to Install and Run the Emulator

Before you can use the emulator, you need to install some software on your computer. The software is called App InventorSetup Software, and it allows your browser to communicate with the emulator or a USB cable. You can download the software from the

Depending on what operating system you have, the installation process may be different. For various operating systems, these are the steps to follow:

  • Mac OS X: Download the .dmg file and open it. Drag the aiStarter icon into the Applications folder. Double-click the aiStarter icon to launch it.
  • Windows: Download the .exe file and run it. Follow the instructions on the screen. After the installation is complete, aiStarter will run automatically.
  • GNU/Linux: Download the .deb file or the .rpm file depending on your distribution. Install it using your package manager. Run aiStarter from the terminal or from the menu.

Once you have installed the software, you can launch the emulator from App Inventor. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Open your browser and go to [MIT App Inventor official website].
  2. Sign in with your Google account or create one if you don’t have one.
  3. Click on Create Apps! button to open App Inventor.
  4. Open an existing project or create a new one.
  5. From the Connect menu, select Emulator.

Wait for a few seconds until the emulator appears on your screen.

Apps preview methods in app inventor mit

The app that is created in the App Inventor can be previewed in several ways, that includes MIT AI Companion app for android or IOS devices, You can also use a USB cable, apk file, and an Emulator.

#1. Preview on Smart Devices

1. Install the (MIT AI Companion) app from the Google Play Store on your Android device, or download the iOS app if you use iPhone or iPad.

2. There must be an Internet connection for both the computer and the smart device through the same network.

3. Open the Hello World app that was previously created.

4. Open the "Connect" menu on the "App Inventor" platform and select the "Al companion" command.

5. Point the phone's camera at the code that will appear on the screen, and press the (Scan QR code) button to launch the application on the phone.

6. Click the "hello world" button on the device to test the app.

appinventor mit preview apps on smart device

#2. Connect with USB Cable

1. Connect your device to your computer via a USB cable.

2. Choose the (USB) command from the (Connect) menu to run the program on the device.

appinventor mit preview apps via USB

#3. Run the Emulator

The emulator is a virtual smartphone interface that the application is tested on through a computer, and the Emulator method is used when it is not possible to obtain a smartphone to test the application.

appinventor mit preview apps via Emulator

How to set up appinventor Emulator?

1. Go to the Emulator website on your browser.

2. Choose an appropriate system and download it.

download appinventor emulator

3. Run the installer file to set up it, follow the default installation steps by pressing the Next button until the program installation is complete.

4. Run the Emulator after installing it, type "ai2 starter" on the start menu, or click its icon. 

start the Emulator

5. Let the Emulator as it is, and go to the App Inventor window.

6. Choose the Emulator command from the Connect menu and wait for the emulator interface that appears in its own window to be prepared, as follows:

appinventor emulator

7. Wait until the app is displayed on the Emulator.

Hollow world app on appinventor Emulator

8. Click the (Click Me) button to trigger the event of pressing the button and the text changes in the title tool and the text (Hallow World) appears in it.

Now you can move forward to create your first real app. lear also how to draw rectangle with mit appinventor.
