How to Start App Inventor MIT: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Do you want to create your own apps without coding? Do you want to learn how to use artificial intelligence features in your apps? Do you want to have fun and be creative with App Inventor MIT?

By the end of this article, you will be able to create your own apps with App Inventor MIT and impress your friends and family. Let’s get started!

Setting Up App Inventor MIT

App Inventor MIT is a free online tool that lets you create apps for Android devices using a graphical interface. You don’t need to write any code, just drag and drop components and blocks to make your app work.

To get started with App Inventor MIT, you must meet two requirements:

  • A web browser that is compatible with HTML5, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
  • A Gmail account that you can use to sign in.

To access App Inventor MIT, go to [] and click on Create Apps! button. You will be redirected to a Google sign-in page where you can enter your Gmail account and password.

Once you are logged in, you will see the Projects page where you can start a new project or open an existing one. To start a new project, click on the Startnew project button and give your project a name.

You will then see the Designer window where you can design the user interface of your app. On the left side, you will see a list of components that you can add to your app, such as buttons, images, text boxes, etc. On the right side, you will see a preview of your app on a phone screen.

To connect App Inventor MIT to your mobile device or an emulator for live testing, you need to install the AI2 Companion app on your device or use the Emulator software on your computer. You can find the instructions on how to do this on the official setup page.

Once you have installed the AI2 Companion or the Emulator, you can scan the QR code or enter the code shown on the top right corner of the Designer window. This will connect your device or emulator to App Inventor MIT and show your app on it.

You can now test your app live as you make changes to it on the Designer window. You can also switch to the Blocks Editor window where you can program the app logic using blocks.

App Inventor MIT Designing the User Interface

The user interface of your app is how it looks and feels to the user. It consists of components that display information or allow interaction, such as buttons, images, text boxes, etc.

To design the user interface of your app, you need to use the Designer window in App Inventor MIT. Here are some steps to follow:

  • To add a component to your app, drag it from the left side panel and drop it on the phone screen on the right side.
  • To customize the properties of a component, such as size, color, text, etc., select it and change its values on the right-side panel.
  • To arrange the components on the screen, use layouts and alignment tools on the top toolbar. You can also drag and drop components to move them around.
  • To delete a component, select it and press the delete key or right-click and choose delete.

Here are some examples of common user interface elements that you can create with App Inventor MIT:

  • A button that performs a click action.
  • An image that shows a picture from a file or a URL.
  • A text box that allows user input.
  • A label that displays text.
  • A slider that adjusts a value.

A list picker that shows a list of options.

Mit app inventor Designing the User Interface

App Inventor MIT Programming the App Logic

The app logic of your app is how it behaves and responds to user actions. It consists of blocks that control the flow of the app, such as variables, logic, loops, etc.

To program the app logic of your app, you need to use the Blocks Editor window in App Inventor MIT. Here are some steps to follow:

  • To add a block to your app, drag it from the left side panel and drop it on the white area on the right side.
  • To connect blocks together, snap them into each other like puzzle pieces. Make sure the shapes and colors match.
  • To use parameters, variables, or values in your blocks, drag them from the left side panel and drop them into the sockets of the blocks.
  • To delete a block, drag it to the trash can on the bottom right corner or right-click and choose delete.

Here are some examples of common app logic elements that you can create with App Inventor MIT:

  • A variable that stores a value.
  • A logic block that compares two values.
  • A loop block that repeats an action.
  • An event block that triggers when something happens.
  • A procedure block that defines a custom function.

A call block that invokes a custom function.

App Inventor MIT Programming the App Logic

Adding AI Features

One of the coolest things about App Inventor MIT is that it allows you to add artificialintelligence features to your app, such as image classification, voice recognition, text-to-speech, etc.

To add AI features to your app, you need to use the AI components in App Inventor MIT. These are special components that use machine learning models to perform tasks that require human intelligence.

You can find these components in the MediaSensors, and Extension categories on the left side panel. Some of these components are:

  • Camera: Takes a picture and returns it as an image.
  • SpeechRecognizer: Converts speech to text and returns it as a string.
  • TextToSpeech: Converts text to speech and speaks it out loud.
  • ImageClassifier: Classifies an image into one of 1000 categories and returns it as a string.
  • FaceDetector: Detects faces in an image and returns their coordinates and features.

To learn more about these components and how to use them, you can visit the AIwith MIT App Inventor website, where you can find tutorials, examples, and resources.

Sharing and Installing Apps

Once you have created your app with App Inventor MIT, you might want to share it with others or install it on other devices. There are two ways to do this:

  • Share your app code with others using QR codes or links. This will allow them to open your app in App Inventor MIT and edit or run it. You can find these options on the Build menu on the top toolbar.
  • Build and install your app on mobile devices using APK files or Google Play Store. This will allow them to install your app as a standalone application on their devices. You can find these options on the Build menu on the top toolbar.

You can find more details on how to do this on the official sharing and installing page.


You have reached the end of this article. Congratulations! You have learned how to start App Inventor MIT and create your own apps with user interface, app logic, and AI features. You have also learned how to share and install your apps on other devices.
