Create an Android app inventor qr code

A QR code is a simple and incomprehensible code that carries a lot of information, such as people's names, email addresses, websites, or social media handles.

QR codes are made up of black modules arranged in a square shape on a white background. The encoded information can be any type of data, and a mobile phone can easily read them quickly.


inventor qr code

Create an app inventor QR code

By using the BarcodeScanner component, an Android application can be created in appinventor mit so that we can read QR codes. We will learn how to do that in this article.

Know How to Create Physics and Mathematics Laws App

Scan QR Codes Without Downloading Apps

App Objectives

  • Use the Clock component.

App Tools


Tool #1: Label

PaletteUser Interface


Use: Scanning the QR code displays its information in the address component.

Tool #2: Button

PaletteUser Interface


Use: Display QR code information in text format.

Tool #3: BarcodeScanner



Use: Scanning the QR Code.


Adjust tool properties

Tool: BarcodeScanner

Setting: Deactivate the (useExternalScanner) checkbox.



Add the app components mentioned above, as in the following screen:


app inventor qr code Blocks

app inventor qr code Video

app inventor qr code QR

App QR

See this tutorial in Arabic